Start Your Engines....
June 19, 2007
Wow. I can't believe it's been nearly one month since I last posted. Funny thing is, so much has occurred in the last month. How could I note? I've made important life decisions, friends and family have had major life events happen, and my mind has been racing at over 100 MPH daily. I welcome the downtime I have after a long day in the office, although now the reinforcements have arrived. The edge has come off somewhat, at least until they move me to manage projects on another side of our company's small business division. Then again, leaving the office each evening is a step into what's become the pressure-cooker part of my life: the personal side.
Being that it is nearly 11pm tonight and I'm fading, the least I could do is let you know I am still kicking, and intended on posting tonight. Unfortunately I got home a bit later than I expected and it cut into my blogging time. What I will say is that over the next month I'm going to make a greater effort to post. It's for a couple of reasons.
One is I want to be able to record and look back on this period in my life. The second is I'll need the release. I know there will be those who won't agree with what I'm doing or thinking, and I'll probably try to withhold the urge to read negative comments. There will be those who are going to offer sincere, positive advice. Either way, I miss the blog and I'm regaining the passion to write. It won't be daily, but it won't be a month between posts either. There's just too much happening.
So, check back in with me Thursday night or Friday morning. I have a lot to cover so I can set the table. I think it will be worth the visit from my 7 loyal readers.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 10:47 PM,