2007 is the Year of the Unlucky Irishman
March 15, 2007
So we're approaching one of my favorite "holidays" of the year...St. Patrick's Day.
I was psyched months ago when I saw that St. Patty's was going to be on a Saturday. However, my enthusiasm has changed to depression. First, Batgirl was invited to my cousin's bridal shower, which for some un-Godly reason is on...St. Patrick's Day. Of all the days between now and the wedding in June, they had to pick March 17?
Despite my pleas to RSVP "No," Batgirl felt bad if she didn't make this event since she missed the baby shower for another of my cousins. The reason, though, was a good one: Batgirl's niece had her baptism that Sunday, and Batgirl is the godmother. In any event, Batgirl felt obligated to go the shower, even though it's coinciding with the start time of the most famous St. Patrick's Day Parade in the state.
To make matters worse, the weather has it's own ideas. There is a winter storm watch starting tomorrow that will carry into Saturday. We're looking at a mix bag of rain, sleet and snow for tomorrow, and rain into midday on...St. Patrick's Day!
Needless to say, even if I opted to make the 35-40 minute drive down to see the parade, it's going to be cold, wet, and really uncomfortable. Plus, Batgirl is going to have to miss out while she watches my cousin open gifts, and the popular belief is there will be NO ALCOHOL served. Then we're going to have to figure out how we meet up to enjoy the rest of the day together. I feel bad going out on my own for half the day while she is stuck with my family, but at the same time, why should I sit around knowing that thousands are miles away having a blast?
Ah well. Looks like I'm going to have to start trying to figure out other options to celebrate my heritage. Just sucks when you gotta change things up and don't know which way to go. Maybe for once there will be some luck o' the Irish and I'll find something fun to do that's new. Lord knows, I'm not getting too lucky with my NCAA picks so far.
As of this writing, I've lost Old Dominion and Oral Roberts as my one-round upsets, and for some unknown reason I took George Washington into my Sweet 16. My other long shot going to the field of 16 is Illinois, I have Duke (who is in a struggle with Virginia Commonwealth as I type) going a couple of rounds, and Notre Dame going to the Elite 8. My Final Four is UCLA, Florida, UNC and Texas A & M. Merging from that group to go to the finals is UCLA losing to UNC. What's funny is I haven't seen a second or a highlight of an A & M or UCLA game this season!
Let's hope my pool submissions are a lot luckier than my St. Patrick's Day will be.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 7:59 PM,