20 Grand!
March 19, 2007
Over 20,000 hits since this blog got online in June. Not too shabby. Too bad a quarter of it is guys looking for pictures of ESPN Radio's Amy Lawrence, and lately, "How I Met Your Mother's" Cobie Smulder.
Looks like I just picked up another 100 hits.
My weekend wasn't super eventful. St Patrick's Day wasn't the all-day drinkfest it had been in year's past. Batgirl was at my cousin's bridal shower until about 2pm, and by the time I got to her place we had to head to her folks for dinner. We finally made it out to a bar at 10pm, and that was not all it was cracked up to be as the popular downtown Irish bar were went to was jam-packed.
We did have a good Sunday, complete with some post-breakfast sex, me finding a great deal on a Ping 5-iron, followed by a margarita and Mexican food late lunch. Although it was not without the typical deep talk while intoxicated. It's funny--some days I think Batgirl forgets about that talk we had a couple of weeks ago when we realized that she's not as ready to be married to me as she thought. Then, when we get into it more, she says,"Well--maybe we shouldn't get married. Things are good as it is."
Hey, I'm in no hurry. I need to get my debt down, figure out how to get the value up on my house before my brother and I decide to put it on the market (I'm getting this impression he wants to be out of here this year, Albany job or not), and finally make the big decision on getting married. Batgirl's biggest concern is that my brother will screw me over, and there is a part of me that concurs. He rarely makes a decision with me in mind (case in point, got a dog last April even though I told him I didn't think it was a good idea), and I can see her point that what he does indirectly affects her since it affects me and my finances.
With all the spicy food and tangy margaritas I drank, my stomach wasn't reacting too kindly. Funny part was Batgirl thought my upset stomach came as a result of our conversation. Oddly, none of our discussion rattled me. Just got me to focus that I'm with a woman who loves me, and no matter how much she attempts to deny it, would like to start a family with me.
Gotta go. My Alma mater's women's basketball team is about to make history, and then I've got to cram for my fantasy baseball draft happening later this week.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 9:26 PM,