Some Friend
March 22, 2007
Just a quick post today as I'm working, and will be doing my fantasy baseball draft tonight (anyone got any sleepers for 2007?).
I got a call late last night from my buddy Vegas. We'd been playing phone tag, until finally he got me. After a few minutes of small talk, he cut right to the chase and hit with some stunning news. As some of my 10 loyal readers may know, he is getting married this summer. It will be this coming Labor Day weekend. Well, apparently our "good" friend from college,"The Politician" (I call him that because he tries to be everyone's friend, and never takes one side of an issue), is going to bypass the wedding to go another wedding with his wife, Mo, on the same day. Needless to say, I was floored.
Politician has been a friend of ours since our freshman year of college. He lived in the same suite and townhouses as Vegas, and was my roommate my senior year. In the years since, Vegas and Politician have forged a real close relationship. Vegas has always been a shoulder for Politician to lean on, whether it was when Mo suddenly broke off their engagement shortly after college, or his mom was dying, or circumstances between he and his wife and her fmaily were putting their wedding in jeopardy. As a matter of fact, Vegas was IN Politician's wedding, even though Vegas was extremely against the ceremony happening (read on to see why).
In the last few years, the hostility toward Politician's wife, Mo, has ceased. She's changed her moods and behavior somewhat (Batgirl actually likes her). While the memory of Mo telling our close friend that his father was not welcome to be part of their special day (which lead to his dying mother boycotting the reception) will never be lost, we've all in some way forgave. The shift of displeasure, ironically, has shifted to The Politician. He rarely keeps in touch anymore. He no-shows for about 85% of the get-togethers we've had over the last 3 or 4 years. Now this.
Sorry folks, but if one of your biggest supporters and closest friends over the years is getting married the same day as your wife's friend, you make the decision to go separately. The events are hundreds of miles apart, so there is no easy compromise. Vegas sounded outraged last night, and I don't blame him one bit. He even went as far to say, "I wish noting but the best for the guy in the rest of his life." What's more alarming is this a full-week after Politician made this announcement.
There was a time where The Politician and I kept in touch once a month, sometimes more. That seems to be over, and my disgust over this development is going to be hard to forget about. I don't blame Mo for this in the least. This is on The Politician because it's been his track record lately. You step up to the plate when a friend has a big day like this in his life. You don't let something like your wife's friend's wedding get in the way. I think any sane woman would probably be understanding if you said,"Sorry, Hon, but I want to be there for my friend."
I'm not sure if I should speak up, but I certainly am hoping The Politician will come to his senses and change his mind. Unfortunately, a part me is saying to not hold my breath.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 1:09 PM,