Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

Power of Positivity

The final hours of Thanksgiving weekend are ticking down, and my Giants gave me absolutely zero to smile about today. I won't bother to go on a rant, but rest assured you'll see something about today's monumental collapse in Tennessee in this week's edition of "Testosterone Tuesday"! Needless to say, I'm a bit sad the 4-day stretch is over. Sunday nights have not been easy for me of late, and the job is a big part of that. The euphoria of leaving the last job (which by the way extended an invite to me for their Xmas party) had worn off and the "new" one has disappointed me tremendously. More on that later this week.

The last 24 hours have been about positivity. Hours after the post I put up Saturday, I went over to Batgirl's for a (hopefully) relaxing home-cooked dinner. She agreed with me that we needed a fun night free of house-and-family-related stress. That we did. Dinner was excellent (can't go wrong with chicken, pasta, and a bottle of red), and then I got a great idea to spice up the night: go buy one of those bedroom games at the mall. Ever since I started hitting the mall as a teen, I always wondered what those games in the novelty store were like. Now firmly entrenched in a serious relationship, I figured why not try one out now?

Batgirl was excited about the idea. We hurried out the door quickly so we could catch the mall before it closed. We picked up two games: one had five different decks of cards with different tasks, and you spin to see which deck you pull from. The other game has 52 scratch tickets, and you pull one, alternating "for him" and "for her," each week of the year. The idea was a success. It was a lot of fun not knowing what we'd have to do next. Some cards we just could not do, or didn't want to, and some we varied up to make it better. Either way, this was the type of thing we'd been lacking lately, and it made for an incredibly satisfying night...and morning ;)

Anyone looking to try something new, I highly recommend grabbing of these games. Their cheap, and definitely can provide more "bang for your buck."

Today, we took my parents by Batgirl's soon-to-be new house and happen to catch the seller. Real nice guy. Told us all about things he updated, things he changed, how he did them, and left Batgirl with some nice tips. It was great seeing her so excited, and I think it was refreshing for her to get such positive reaction from my folks. My mom repeatedly offered to give a hand when the time came to start painting, and my dad looked things over to make sure they were in fine working order. I know Batgirl's parents will wisen up and come around (her dad is starting to), but at least she's got people in her corner and knows it.

Today was my second look inside the place, and I really believe Batgirl has a major find. The selling couple spent 27 years there, and you could really tell the husband took great care of the house. I kind of felt bad that he and his wife needed to sell it, but life goes on. It was becoming a lot for them to handle. I wondered to myself how I'd ever be able to be so handy, like he was, and like my dad is. I started being able to see myself in the place, with Batgirl by my side. The negative feelings from the last two weeks began to lift.

I know that's odd considering my thoughts on Saturday, but remember I am thinking aloud on this blog. Days like today, and nights like last night remind me of why I love this woman. She's standing up for herself in going through with this, and I see her confidence in this decision growing. I believe the more positive feedback she gets from other people around her, the more confidence she'll gain.

posted by That 30's Guy @ 9:33 PM,


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