Not Quite in the Mood
December 07, 2006
Before you horny freaks out there think I mean I'm talking about sex, I will stop you right there. I'm always ready to rock the walls. Nah, I mean Christmas.
My #1 rule is I don't do Christmas shopping on the weekends during "the season." I get bored too easily while shopping, and I get easily annoyed by people who are intending to "make a day of it" shopping. You know the types, the ones who seem to either be looking up at the ceiling in the mall or just walking at the speed of a snail because they really don't have somewhere to go. Yeah. Those. There are people like me who budget to shop about 1-2 hours max per shopping day who are speeding along so that 2 hours can get condensed down to 45 minutes. Call me a man on a mission while at the mall.
Of course, this year is extremely different. I'm in uncharted territory. I'm in a heavy, serious relationship. It took 30 years, but it finally happened. Luckily, I'm in decent financial shape. However, I'm not in the type of shape where I can add on another two parents, two sibling/married couples, an infant, and a dog, very easily. Now, I know that I'm not expected to buy any gifts for Batgirl's sibs and their spouses, but I gotta get something for her parents and the newborn niece! Nothing expensive, but something thoughtful. I just don't know what yet.
Then there is my side, where there's two sibs, parents, grandparents (sadly, I'm minus-one this year, and for the rest of my life), and I always buy for my eternally single aunts who have no family of their own. One aunt is my godmother, so it's going to be hard to change that tradition.
Finally, the big one: Batgirl. I seriously have no clue what to get her. I love to spoil her, even though she is nowhere near as material as, say, Master K's fiance Shep. I already told her to not get me anything over $50 (I know something she got me already) since she'll be paying for a house in the next couple of months. I know she's ignoring that because it is our first Christmas together--a point she always brings up. I can only think of jewelry right now, but I don't want to go nuts. Besides, there's a more important piece of jewelry I think I should be saving for. Beyond what glitters, I'm drawing a blank as to the alternate options.
I try not to procrastinate, but Monday is December 12 and it will be time to start shopping. Long hours in the office to be complimented by an evening among hordes of shoppers. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm also not looking forward to adding on to the $500+ I spent on gifts a year ago, especially because I don't believe I'll be seeing a Christmas bonus (a generous payout at my old job that always paid for my Christmas expenditures) in 2006.
Yeah, you could say I haven't quite gotten into the mood. Can ya blame me?
posted by That 30's Guy @ 7:25 PM,