Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

Ready for Some Football

Countdown to
2 days
This weekend's big game between my New York Giants and the Atlanta Falcons seemed so far away back on July 22nd when my brother and sister revealed what my family's birthday gift to me was. Now, in another 24 hours I'll be in Atlanta, GA. Then, on Sunday, Batgirl and I will be taking on the NFL experience in the Georgiadome. This gonna be awesome!
I haven't been to a G'nts game since the home opener at Giants Stadium in 2004 when Big Blue ran roughshod over the Redskins. Being surrounded by fans who share the same passion for your team is extremly exciting, especially for a guy like me who lives in an area where my team is not the local team of choice. This will certainly be a different experience in that I'll be surrounded by thousands of Falcon fans in the stadium. I'm sure I'll get some friendly razzing as I make my way through the stands to my nosebleed seats, wearing my Tiki Barber #21 jersey. It's all part of the fun. It's after the game that could be a nightmare.
Seeing your team win in a visiting stadium in any sport is VERY gratifying. Walking out of there if your team loses is humiliating. If you've been through it, you know what I'm talking about. As a Red Sox fan who's watched his team lose multiple times at Yankee Stadium, I can tell you it sucks. I'm hopeful that last weekend's stellar defensive showing by the G-men is a precursor of what's to come, because if the team who got torched the first three weeks shows up, Batgirl is going to have a long day with me!
Besides the football game, I'm hoping Batgirl and I get to live it up. We're staying in a modern, state of the art hotel. We've decided we're going to wing it as far as the nightlife and restaurants. That's how we've always conducted our dates since we met, although there are attractions we hope to see. I'm definitely aiming towards a Georgiadome tour shortly after we check in.
Unlike my last trip here in 2002 when I was with Capt. Paul and his two brothers, I don't expect our nighttime activity to be as wild. I mean, ogling chicks who are dancing on bar tops would be great, but you all know Batgirl would not go for that. Oh well. I'll just have to get her drunk so she'll do that for me in the hotel room!
Have a great weekend everyone. GO GIANTS!!!!

posted by That 30's Guy @ 6:00 PM,


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