Let Us Be Happy
October 10, 2006
I know I'm a bit late, but I'm sure the couple dozen of you who read the site must be wondering what became of the weekend. Well, to begin, my office won the intra-company softball challenge 2 games to 1. I had three AB's as a DH, reaching on two fielder's choices, and later fly out to right field.
After we got blasted in game one, our "coach" shuffled up the starting lineup and the defense played better, and we scraped out the win. Unfortunately for me, I saw little action for the day, especially that second, must-win game (no AB's) and had to leave before the third game. My right hammy was tightening up badly, and I was not about to push to get in knowing I could fuck my week up with a limp. It was off to NH with Batgirl I went, and the weekend became a roller coaster ride.
Now, some time ago, I promised myself I wouldn't divulge a lot of personal info. That's especially the case when it comes to my relationship, and the main story of my weekend revolved around that. Couple of observations and comments would be appropriate.
First, it's a fucking shame when a couple of girls who are involved with two longtime friends can't seem to get along. I saw the chill factor between Batgirl and Master K's girl Shep upon our arrival to their condo. It's amazing when you see the embrace and genuine warmth between myself and my good friend, then see the other end of the spectrum when our two girls just barely say hello.
My issue with Shep is here we are, making the trip up to celebrate my friend's 3oth, and when we walk in we fell frigid, almost awkward. It seemed like The Attorney's girlfriend and Nern's wife are caught in the middle because they both seem to really get along with Batgirl whenever Shep is not around. Even during the party while Shep was absent for a long period of time, the three girls mingled well and shared lots of laughs. Batgirl is making the effort and acknowledges she should do better, but I just don't see it from my buddy's future fiance. To see how on edge and nervous my girlfriend was on the drive up was not fun, and very uncomfortable for me. I almost felt bad that she was coming. Still, in the end, she told me the party turned out better than she expected, and I was glad to hear that.
My second opinion is this: parents need to butt out when their kids get to a certain age. Batgirl's parents have really beaten her down emotionally this last week regarding how we spend our weekends, and it's guilting her into this state where she is a wreck. It's the 21st century, and both people involved are adults in their 30's. I almost feel like I know my girl better than the people who brought her up. I'm beginning to see signs of meddling. As a guy whose folks are semi-liberal, and believe in letting their son be his own man, I can't stomach that. I fear what such outside influence will do to my relationship and the way we operate together. To change what has made it work for nearly 9 months because of what other people want is not right.
What bugs me the most is that between Batgirl and me, we have no issues. We are extremely happy together, just the two of us with little outside distraction. It unquestionable that we've found a match. The funny thing is the bumps in the road have been caused by outside elements. After being on edge all day Sunday, I made it clear: this shit has to stop. What needs to start is put what we want in front of others. Batgirl needs to handle things with more backbone, and less concern about what mom and dad think. I certainly don't worry about what they'll think if I sleep with someone. Isn't it amazing how people like to throw a wrench in the works when other people are happy?
The countdown is on for Hot-Lanta...NY Giants vs. the Atlanta Falcons. It will be nice to get away for three days, see the Giants emerge as the NFC power I believe they can be, while at the same time exploring a relatively new (to her) city together.
It's when we get back that may dictate our future.
("Testosterone Tuesday" is making an appearance on late Tuesday/ Early Wednesday. Let's see what happens to Joe Torre in the meantime.)
posted by That 30's Guy @ 12:02 AM,