Reality Hits: Not In The Shape I Was At 25
September 20, 2006
This week has been a real eye opener for That 30's Guy and my physical condition.
To begin, Monday night I had this feeling that my favorite suite, the one I bought for a wedding on New Year's Eve 2004/2005, might be a bit tight in the waist. So, with only just a few days before my pal Gian's wedding, I slipped on the pants. Legs felt good, but when I buttoned them up...Ooph! I'd be lucky if I could exhale on Saturday wearing those things.
The same could be said for my other two good suits, which are more than 5 years old. Since I don't have any liposuction appointments scheduled this week, the logical move was to go buy a new suit. I think I may be too far gone to salvage one of the suits since it's about 6 years old, and at the time I was about a 31, 32 waist.
Yesterday I went to the local Men's Wearhouse and found myself a nice pin-striped suit (don't think for a minute I'm turning to the Dark Side), except I got surprise #1: a 34-waist was tight on me. The sales associate recommended they expand the waste on the pants to a 35! My reaction was Jesus Chris! What the hell happened? The exclamation ellicited a chuckle from the sales guy.
Suprise #2 was at the register: $410.00 Man! How the hell did I go from about $300.00 to another hundred? Easy: alterations, and the no-wrinkle shirt and silk tie and paired up with it. After getting home and thinking it over, I saw the shirt and tie contributed over $70 to the price. Being that it's a white shirt and I own one, and the fact I have a few ties that will go with the everything, I think I'm returing the two overpriced items on Friday when I pick up my new suit. Hey--I gotta pay for a hotel room and wedding gift too! If only I went on that diet I said I would in August.
Today, the company softball team got together for a practice. I discovered very quickly that I'm one out-of-shape mother fucker. I was desperately trying to catch my breath after all the line drives I had to chase in the outfield. Then, when it was my turn to bat, my arms wore down quickly from the weight of the bat (it was a bit too heavy for me), and I really was panting like a dog in heat. Right now, my back and legs are sore, and I can't wait to go to bed. When you consider the only physical activity I've consistently done over the last year is sex, and everything but the one muscle that matters seems to tire after a while of doing it, I can't be surprised. The disaster that was my softball play tonight taught me that it's time to start thinking like a 30-year-old and get my ass into some sort of shape!
Jog. Lift weights. Walk. Calasthetics. Anything! I don't think it's so much diet, and more the lack of activity.I gotta get myself down one waste size before I go out and blow all my dough on an entire winter wardrobe.
Getting older does suck.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 9:01 PM,