Good Friends, Good Times, Another Turns 30
October 02, 2006
I knew 2006 would be one big party with so many friends hitting the big 3-0. This past weekend it was Tall Paul's turn.
It was great being able to see everyone from college for a second consecutive weekend. Some of the best times of my life have been shared with this group. Even though there were a few significant people absent, the majority were still on hand. TP was very surprised, and so genuinely touched that people like Batgirl and myself made the long trip out a week after Gian's wedding. Being that Batgirl is an outsider to this crew, she remarked to me how clear it is that we value these friendships. She laughed about how long it takes for us to say goodbye to each other every time we've had a special occasion. She calls it,"constipated goodbyes." Funny term, and true! I think we counted Tall Paul saying goodbye to us at about three times.
This place was fantastic. We had open bar, a pretty extensive menu, and a beautiful garden out back. There were a lot of laughs to go along with it. Our friend "Kid" got up and did a funny speech about how he met TP at the start of freshman year, and reflected how long the frienship has endured. While a little long, the speech was fun to listen to.
I was extremely encouraged by how well Batgirl has adjusted to the group of college friends. The real test, though, is next weekend at Master K's party. I've always been confident that Batgirl would be comfortable in the company of the college friends, but it's with the local friends whom I think she will need more time to adjust. While she is willingly coming up with me, and is even volunteering to drive so I can freely enjoy myself, I know I'll need to keep an eye on her to make sure she's not standing off to the side by herself. She and Nern's wife Angel have seemed to be gettig a little chummier, but I don't trust Angel as the type who'll invite Batgirl into the conversation with the other girls. I'll have to see how it goes.
Finally, on our way back we stopped for magarita's in Mystic, CT. I never really spent time there before, but it seemed like a really nice place. It's on the coast, and both Batgirl and I would like to live in close to the ocean at some point in our life. As I start to consider a future that includes Batgirl, perhaps that would be place to consider moving to. It seemed peaceful, and a little bit of a throwback to the way things used to be in New England. There wasn't this glut of chain stores and restaurants, just your basic "Mom-and-Pop" shops up and down a bustling Main St.
Ah, that's a long time away, but at least something worth thinking about other than my shitty 8-fucking-A.M. conference call to start my week Monday morning.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 6:00 AM,