Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

(Belated) Testosterone Tuesday

In light of today's events in New York City, I felt it more appropriate to show respect to a fallen athlete rather than go on an ignorant rant about sports, sex and (un)popular culture. As a huge sports fan with the utmost respect not only for the players I cheer, but for those who oppose my beloved teams, I thought I'd say a few words about the tragic death of NY Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle.

My deepest sympathies go out to Lidle's wife and son for their loss. Sure, as a Red Sox fan I'd be vehemently booing this guy if he took the mound at Fenway Park against my team. At the end of the day, though, we're all on the same team. It's only a uniform that draws the jeers.

Rest in peace, Cory Lidle.

posted by That 30's Guy @ 8:52 PM,


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