Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

10 Subtle Hints That A Trip Was Not a Great Idea

I'm sure a minority of the internet audience out there would like to know about the football weekend down in Atlanta. Naturally, the Giants victory over the Falcons was one of the true highlights, coupled with the final evening in my hotel room with my girl. That was basically about it. To make matters worse, my day back at work yesterday really sucked. It made me regret missing just one measly day. When I considered the emotional toll it took on me, and to a bigger extent, Batgirl--it almost wasn't worth it. Away we go...
  1. A week before departure, you find out you've been displaced from a downtown hotel, to one that is 12-15 miles outside of the city.
  2. Your bottle of cologne gets tossed in a trash can at the security check because it exceed 4 oz.
  3. You don't have time to stop and get a bottle of water before boarding to ease your hangover due to the security hold up.
  4. It takes a half-hour for the hotel-provided shuttle service to pick you up at the airport even though the guest service person told you 8-10 minutes.
  5. You get tailed for 4 or 5 blocks by two shady characters who first attempted to come off as friendly before falling back behind you.
  6. The MARTA service agent sends you to the wrong stop, which then leads you to take not one but two wrong turns to find the bar scene.
  7. You get charged $10.00 by a cabbie to take you what is probably a mile to two at most.
  8. The MARTA train alert says your train is arriving, even though it's on the northbound side of the platform, but the marquee on the cars reads "airport." Turns out, it should have read some thing else and the right trains is pulling in across the way as you leave.
  9. Once you make it back to the MARTA stop at the airport, you find your shuttle drive sleeping in the driver's set.
  10. You manage to land an earlier flight, but when you get to your gate at the furthest end of the airport with hands full of food, you discover the gate has been moved two concourses back, and you have maybe 20 minutes to make it. Oh--and you need to take a train to get there. That's how far.

Needless to say, there was a bit of tension between Batgirl and I all day on Monday, but the good part is we aired out a lot about what's happening in the relationship upon returning. It's just too bad the final highlight was landing an early flight home for only an extra $25.00 each. Thanks for the birthday gift Mom, Dad, Sis and Bro! ( one tell them what really went on)

posted by That 30's Guy @ 12:01 PM,


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