To Close Out The Week
January 18, 2007
I don't know what it is but I've been pretty beat this whole week. Maybe it was the roller-coaster of the start to this week with the baptism of Batgirl's neice, followed by a lot of drinking, then the wake and funeral. It could be the constant pressure at work to stay on top of my projects, or maybe I'm just in desperate need of exercise to get the blood flow better. Since I'm winding down with the week, I won't be getting into much in this post. Just a couple of things on my mind.
First, a week from Saturday Batgirl and I will celebrate our one-year anniversary. Now, in past months, readers have been disgusted with our tendency to "celebrate" anniversaries. This one, however, is important. I've NEVER spent this much time with someone before, and the personal record was broken, as a matter of fact, after the first 5 months. We haven't talked much about the fact our first year is coming to a close next weekend. I'm sure it's been in the back of her mind, as it has mine. I'd like to do something special, but I have a problem: money. The recent repair on my car and the spending on Christmas gifts has left me very concerned about my finances.
A couple of ideas are, going to a couple of ocean-side towns about an hour away and staying in a local inn/bed & breakfast. We both love the ocean, and since it's not tourist season, it could be very private. My other idea is hitting a top-notch restaurant downtown. I think the getaway idea works best, but again, money has me a bit on edge right now and the last thing she'd want me to do is put myself really in debt. Any of you have good ideas you've done for milestones with a significant other?
The other thought at the front of my mind as I call it a week is, do I really like this job? I know how excited I was when I left the old job back in July. You all remember that. However, I feel like I'm right where I was a year ago: overloaded, overwhelmed, and not overly-enthused to start my day each morning. I think 6 months is a good sample of what the job is all about, and I know a lot more now than I did in July. Yet, I try to look into the future, and I just don't see where it's taking me.
Don't get me wrong. I really like the people I'm working with, and the company I work for is still on a major growth trend. Still, I just don't feel reward. The sales people are pushy and actually a bit of a hinderance. The customers are a bit uncooperative, and I'd be the first to be thrown under the bus if the job isn't completed satisfactorily despite the fact the customer fumbled the ball. I don't know. Maybe it's my usual winter funk. I hope that's all it is because at age 30, and with having strong considerations about taking that next step with my girlfriend, I'd really like to be on a patch to the career I'll have the rest of my professional life. Changing jobs doesn't seem like the right move right now, and certainly wouldn't look good on the resume.
Money and working just plain sucks, don't it?
posted by That 30's Guy @ 11:12 PM,