Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

Testosterone Tuesday 2007

What better way to bring in 2007 than with a Testosterone Tuesday post?

So you're probably wondering why I have photos of Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson. Well, because I had a hot as fuck dream about the two of them on New Year's Eve. Funny thing was, I had it with Batgirl laying next to me in bed.

In a nutshell, the backdrop for the dream was that I was on some type of business trip and it began with Pam Anderson and myself being alone in my hotel room. One way or another, things lead to us messing around. She ends up having to go off and make an appearance somewhere, and I'm all paranoid the press is going to be on top of our rendez-vous. I'm praying Batgirl won't find out.

Some time later, Carmen Electra makes her appearance in the dream. Once again, we begin to get into it, except we keep getting interrupted and a little hot sex never comes to fruition...which is a the way things would go in real life.

What the hell causes this? It's rare for me to have any dreams about celebs, although some years ago I had a sweet dream about me and Winona Ryder. I've never looked at her the same since. Who have you been hot for while in slumber (celeb or someone you know)?

Yeah. Not the typical Testosterone Tuesday I would post, but I thought it would be amusing to talk about. I'm sure most of you would have like a New Year's-type recap, and I will work on that tonight. Until then, don't be too depressed about returning to work. Afterall, it's going to be a short week anyway.

posted by That 30's Guy @ 12:02 AM,


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