Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

Isn't It Ironic

I'm going to bail out on the year-in-review shit. Tonight I got word that Batgirl's aunt, who has been battling all types of cancer for the last 5 months or so, is likely in her final hours.

While this news is of no surprise to anyone familiar with the situation, I find some irony in this sad event. You see, about a year ago it was yours truly who had a family member losing the battle to cancer. In case your reading comprehension is horrible, you read about it a couple of Wednesday. Batgirl came into my life at the same time my grandmother lost to this disease. This new romance (at that time) was a welcome distraction to the sadness I felt, and it certainly helped get me through the grieving process.

Now, flash forward to 2007 and it is Batgirl who is feeling the same pain. While her aunt was distant from the rest of the family, there still was time in the months since her diagnosis that she softened up. Batgirl and her mom (who has never handled her sister's sickness well) feel guilt for the lack of involvement the aunt had with the family over the years. I told Batgirl that for her to feel this way is natural at a time like this as they mourn her likely passing, but the reality is the aunt made a choice to be controlled by her husband and be an outsider.

I foresee in the coming weeks a whole lot of phone calls to Batgirl by her mother while she and I try to spend time together. It's going to be sad--and ugly. When the diagnosis first came down, the woman was a mess. She'd get loaded on wine, and make calls to Batgirl. One night, while we were at Master K's 30th, her mom called about five times, but we never heard the cell ring. I told Batgirl she and her sibs would need to have an intervention with their mother about her out-of-control handling of the matter, but it never came down to that as her mom seemed to get a grip in the last couple of months.

This is a very sad, and strange, repeat of history, I must say. I wish this wasn't happening, but unfortunately it is. My condolences go out to Batgirl and her family, especially her grandparents who have treated me like a grandson. Her Nana is not handling this well either, and I do hope she can find the happiness that still exists in her life like her new baby great-granddaughter, and her three grandchildren who have so much in front of them. To everyone out there who doesn't keep involved in their family, you may want to while you have your health. In a snap of a finger, the opportunity could be taken away like it was from Batgirl's aunt.

posted by That 30's Guy @ 12:03 AM,


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