Tale of Two Anniversaries
January 26, 2007
I've wanted to post at least one extra time this week, but the continuously busy schedule has not allowed. Batgirl and I had a college basketball game to attend one night, then I worked late the last couple night. Combine that with working on my 1-year anniversary present to Batgirl, and the blog hits the last rung of the priority ladder.
Imagine that. One year. Me, with someone this long had never been thought to be possible, in my opinion. With an average relationship lifespan of 3 months before Batgirl came into my life, I began to wonder what I was doing wrong. I guess now I got something (and the someone) right.
The gift I've worked so hard on is what I did for her for the 6-month, but I never was able to get the slide show of our photos quite right. She liked what she saw, but I could never figure out how to get the music onto the same CD as the Powerpoint presentation. All the while, she'd ask when she would ever get the slide show. Well, with a few more pictures, I got it all figured out. I even made a CD case cover to go with it. Now I am computer fatigued.
Before I call it a weekend, I wanted to point out what today and tomorrow means to me. Today is the first anniversary of my grandmother's passing. It occured sometime in the very early AM hours, before I was even awake. For as sad a reflection as today is, tomorrow will be at the opposite end. Tomorrow marks one year since Batgirl and I went on our first date.
I sometimes wonder what my grandmother would think of Batgirl. I'm sad she never got to meet her. It's funny that months before she left us, she consoled and assured me I'd meet the right girl after I was dumped by the Midwest Girl. It's ironic that the day after she died, I somehow found it in me to go on the date with Batgirl, have a blast, and the rest is history. You sometimes wonder if someone really is watching over us.
So, to commemorate this milestone, I booked us a night at an inn in a shore town about an hour-plus from where we live. We'll be away from it all. I told her we should just shut off our cell phones and forget the shitty week we had at our jobs, the demands of friends and family (well, her family), and make the 24 hours about us. Our room will have a whirlpool bathtub, a gas fireplace, a view of the water, and we have dinner reservations at a nearby Italian restaurant. While I didn't want to put myself out financially, I looked at my budget and figured out I could swing the occasion if I found the right deal--and I did. All it takes is a little effort and internet savvy.
I already know she's got something cooked up for me, and it has to do with Feb 24. There's a gift that I think has to do with that date, and it's was delivered to her today. I haven't been able to figure it out, and amazingly she hasn't caved in and told me. I thought it was Red Sox Spring Training, but there are no games that day, plus she would have asked me to block more than one day out of my schedule. As much as I don't want her spending money, I'm touched she is willing to go the extra mile.
I'm excited about our little brief getaway. Of course, not to be lost in all this is how grateful I am that I've spent this last year with this woman. I only wish one other special woman from my life would have had the chance to know her.
posted by That 30's Guy @ 12:13 AM,