Listed on BlogShares So...This Is My 30's?


My 20's have been left behind and my 30's has begun. This is my journey into the next phase of adulthood.

So, should I be feeling any different?

How That 30's Guys Can't Get His Groove Back

I have to admit. Since resurrecting my blogging past time, I've found it difficult to get into a writing groove. Granted, when an issue that is overwhleming my daily thoughts comes up, I'm posting about it, but doing it daily seems to be tougher than it was before I took my last blog down back in May.

I loved doing that blog. I had built an audience. It was energizing me. To go from nothing to hundreds of readers in a day was pretty gratifying. The theme of it was me, all the way. Now, in this version, it's been hard to get motivated to write for some strange reason. Maybe because I've really begun to change? Who knows. What I do knonw is when you aren't posting daily, and keeping it interesting, it's hard to draw in readers. However, I think the time I am spending in front of a computer all day is really catching up to me.

All this said, do not think I'm pulling down the blog. I'm dedicated to keeping it up. Problem right now is mainly time contstraints. In the last job I had, I had some level of privacy at my cubicle to type up a post on my lunch hour. In the new job, my desk is out in the open, and there's no way in hell I want anyone to have a clue I have a blog. I've only been there a month and a lot of people still don't know my name! I don't want to be known as "Blog Boy"! Beyond that, coming home and typing posts after a spending so much time at a desk in front of a computer all day doesn't really appeal much. I wish I could explain the difference between this job and the last one in that regard. They both were done the same.

So, I apologize again because I won't be posting anything for the next couple of days. I have a company meeting about 2 hours away tomorrow, and it goes into Friday so I am staying overnight. Since I have to be up at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow, I'm making this a quick post and getting to bed. It's too bad, too, because there is so much I think I can write about once I start.

Beginning next week, I think I'll finally be able to sit down and get in a groove. Some things I want to hit upon: the collapse of the Red Sox (which is comical, yet disgusting at the same time); how Manny Ramirez continues to justify my hate for him; fantasy football talk, which seems more like a kids' game, but a lot of 30+ year old guys like me love doing it; actual NFL football as we are two weeks away; love & marriage, after my friend's wedding last weekend and the approach of me and Batgirl's 7-month anniversary this weekend.

Fear not friends. I'm going to get it back. Just like any good ballplayer, I'm bound to come out of the slump. Even the best of them can get distracted from off-the-field developments.

posted by That 30's Guy @ 9:34 PM,


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