A Break? Already?
June 30, 2006
Just as soon as I'm getting the blog going again, I will take a long weekend away with the gf. We leave today for a reunion with my college gang. I'm very excited for her to meet the troupe, and for us to have a special weekend in a city I just love.
The plan is to head out of here this morning for arrival this afternoon. This will leaves as a good few hours to ourselves before committing the rest of our time to the friends. Then we check in to the hotel, and the festivities begin through Sunday. My one hope about this trip is that we aren't wandering around the city trying to find where to go next after dinner, which happens a lot of the time we get together, and my pal Vegas is running the show. I already promised the girlfriend that if I sense tomorrow afternoon is going to be one of those aimless expeditions, we're going to do our own thing.
As for the guests of honor, it still blows me away that my pal, Big Red, and his wife have up their lives a couple of years ago to join the Peace Corps. Red's reasoning he said to me was that he wasn't feeling any sense of reward in his IT career. They discussed this move for a good year before finally doing it. I never fully understood why they packed up and left for another country, but as I waste away behind a desk in a dead end job I'm desperately trying to escape, I'm getting it. I believe what they did was incredibly selfless, and in the long run I'm confident this experience will not only enrich their lives, but ultimately strengthen the love they have. It's a true testimony of what a loving marriage is. I'm happy I'll get to see them again.
It's going to be a pretty big group and a lot for my girl to take in, but she's usually handled herself well in these situations. Unlike the women with my friends from home, the college buddies' significant others are much more welcoming to new love interests. It's going to be interesting to hear her assessment of this crew vs. the guys I grew up with. Believe me; they are two very different groups.
I'll see you all on the other side of Sunday. Have a great weekend!
posted by That 30's Guy @ 7:52 AM,